Your Coach

I'm Felix Schreiter and I want to help you finally get the drawing skills you've always dreamed of!

I've been drawing since I was a child, and I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed by the complexity of drawing.

Looking back, it doesn't have to be that way.

I now teach thousands of students worldwide every month through my online tutorials on how to practice drawing the smart way.

Your Drawing Coach

Do you struggle getting better at drawing?

If you answered yes, then you are just like me...

For many years I struggled figuring out how to get better at drawing.

I'd find one method of drawing and focus exclusively on it, only to realize months or years later that drawing just one way felt limiting.

Every time I became good at one method of drawing, my other skills seemed to disappear.

My results were inconsistent, and I felt unskilled and out of control. I was just a one-trick pony hopping from drawing formula to formula.

Figure Drawing Demonstration

I had enough and made a crucial decision.

To read every drawing book, attend any seminar, and take any online course by pros I admired, until I finally "got" drawing.

And that's what I did.

I learned from a wide range of teachers from very different schools of thought.

And piece by piece the "big picture" of drawing started to emerge in my mind.

Leading up to this BIG REALISATION:

“The single, fastest way you’ll improve at drawing, is to hyper-focus on learning the drawing fundamentals.”

Once I realized this something magical started to happen:

Suddenly I could SEE which fundamental was holding my drawing back.

I KNEW how to improve that fundamental drawing skill using targeted exercises.

And once I improved at it, I understood how to BALANCE the newly improved fundamentals skills in my overall drawing process.

The result:
While in the past I often got worse from drawing to drawing, now, each drawing I made was
significantly better than the last.

And this didn't just happen once, it happened consistently.

Most drawing students never learn about the drawing fundamentals, how to see them, practice them, and apply them to their work.

Instead they "method-hop" like I did, and waste years of progress.

Think about it. If you CANNOT:

1) SEE which fundamental is holding your drawing back the most,

2) KNOW how to improve that fundamental through specific exercises, and

3) Understand how to BALANCE your strengthened skill in an overall process

and wash rinse repeat the process with every drawing you do...


Well, here's the GOOD NEWS:

If you understand the drawing fundamentals you can use this process to your advantage, and make big skills jumps with every single drawing you create.


Drawing Fundamentals

In 7 Days.

The Course I Wish I Had

I created Drawing Fundamentals In 7 Days for self-taught students (like myself) who didn't go to art school but are serious about getting great at drawing.

It's the perfect course for:

-> Beginners who want to build a solid skill & knowledge base to make fast progress in a week and for years to come

-> Intermediate "Purgatory" Students who've been drawing for years but are not satisfied with their progress, feeling overwhelmed and confused.

Instructor teaching

Course Overview

7 Course Modules:

Day 1: Material Mastery
Day 2: Linear Mark Making
Day 3: Tonal Mark Making
Day 4: Shape Design & Measuring
Day 5: Gesture
Day 6: Value & Edges
Day 7: Form Bonuses!

Simple Theory, Daily Drawing Workouts and Drawing Demonstrations packed into over 10 hours of video content (Life-time Access to all future updates).

What You Can Expect

Drawing Fundamentals In 7 Days will teach you in a logical way how to:

SEE which drawing fundamental is holding back your drawing in terms of beauty, craftsmanship and design.

KNOW how to exercise that fundamentals skill until it becomes your strength using targeted exercises.

BALANCE your strengthened skill in your drawing process for a better drawing every time!

It takes you from "frustrated and overwhelmed" to feeling "empowered & excited", knowing you can finally realize the potential of this exciting art form!

Course Curriculum

Take the shortcut and learn what took me a decade in just 10 hours.

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 1 - Materials
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2 - Linear Mark Making
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3 - Tonal Mark Making
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 4 - Measuring & Shape Design
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5 - Gesture
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 6 - Values & Edges
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 7 - Form
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

What's Included?

Best Drawing Materials

Day 1: Material Mastery

Materials mediate between your eye, mind and hand on one side and the finished drawing on the other.
Materials play a fundamental role in the success of your drawings.
All materials have their strengths and weaknesses. The more deeply you understand those, the easier it'll be to create the marks, values and transitions that you intend.
This module teaches you the basic ways you can manipulate your drawing materials for a range of effects.
Topics covered:
->The best drawing tools for beginners.
-> How to sharpen your pencil for versatile marks.
->How to "draw in the lights" using erasers.
->Secrets to smooth tones using stumps and brushes.
-> Best sketchbooks for learning fast from home.
-> Deep dives into graphite, ballpoint pen, black and white pencil on toned paper.
-> Overview of charcoal pencils, pastels, inking & markers.
🟢 Do This Now: Material Experiment Workout

Day 2: Linear Mark Making

Mark making refers to your hands ability to draw a line as your mind intends it to, confidently, accurately & beautifully.
It's a crucial drawing fundamental, a huge determinator of the success of your drawing, yet most beginners never learn about it.
The best part: You can improve your Mark Making leaps and bounds practicing simple exercises for 5 minutes a day.

Topics covered:
-> How to make confident, beautiful and correct linear marks, and how to consciously design your drawings using 3 types of lines.
-> Specific exercises you can practice anytime, anywhere to improve your mark-making skills.
-> Posture: The key to confident marks, that's rarely talked about.
-> Head & Subject Positioning: The secret to avoiding distortions and improving accuracy, that's often overlooked.
-> Figure Drawing Demonstration: See how to apply linear mark making in an actual drawing, and experience how this fundamental translates into more beautiful final drawings.
🟢 Do This Now: Linear Mark Making Workout

Linear Mark Making Demonstration
Tonal Mark Making Demonstration

Day 3: Tonal Mark Making

Tonal mark making is the natural progression from linear mark making, and a key to realism.
Yet many drawing students never learn how to make proper tonal marks.
It took me years to find out how to draw tonally, as I’ve found the information on this topic is very scattered and hard to compile.
Topics covered:
-> The 2 grips you need to master tonal drawing. Learning just these 2 techniques increases your versatility immensely, and was one of those great epiphanies in my drawing Journey.
-> How to draw with erasers and blending tools, to create interesting light effects and smooth tones in your drawing.
-> Effective Tonal Mark Making Exercises, you can practice daily for fast improvements in the tonal quality of your drawings.
-> Your 2 best friends: Value scales and value gradations. How to practice them, and how to apply them in your drawings.
-> Figure Drawing Demonstration: Learn how to apply tonal mark making to create drawings that have depth and atmosphere.
🟢 Do This Now: Tonal Mark Making Workout

Day 4: Shape Design & Measuring

This module combines shape design with free-hand measuring techniques, because mindlessly measuring without training your sense for design is pointless.
Shape design has a huge impact on how well your drawings read, yet most beginners don't even realize it exists.
Topics covered:
-> Intuitive freehand measuring techniques: how to get a likeness using angles, plum lines, triangulation, negative space and more.
-> The actual key to likeness: How to see and design shapes.
-> How to practice shape design: Watch me as I demonstrate a John Singer Sargent shape design master study.
🟢 Do This Now: Shape Design Workout

Shape Design Master Study
Gesture Drawing Demonstration

Day 5: Gesture

Gesture is about capturing the dynamic, flowing, emotional nature of whatever you are drawing, instead of just copying it. 
With gesture, your drawings look dynamic, and full of movement.
Without gesture, your drawings look lifeless and stiff.
The good news: Gesture drawing is fun to practice, and you'll learn how in this module!
Topics covered:
-> What gesture is, how to see it and why it's a crucial drawing fundamental.
-> Master study: Learning gesture from the great John Singer Sargent.
-> Gesture Exercise demonstration: Learn how to practice figure and portrait drawing using gesture drawing.
🟢 Do This Now: Gesture Workout

Day 6: Value & Edges

Value is a critical layer of any image, and as fundamental as line or shapeEdges describe the transitions between values and communicate turning form.
This module is a fast-track to using value & edges in your work for greater depth and atmosphere.
Topics covered:
-> 2-Value Studies: How to use them for a strong read & why they are so effective
-> 2-Value Velazquez Study Demonstration: Learn how to train your eyes to see in 2 values using this highly effective exercise.
-> Toned Paper Techniques: Learn a simple material combination for enhanced realism and rendering.
-> Sculpture drawing demonstration: Watch an in-depth demo of me rendering a sculpture, using black and white pencil on toned grey paper.
🟢 Do This Now: Value & Edge Workout

2 Value Study
Form Drawing Demonstration

Day 7: Form

Last, but definitely not least, we’ll cover form.
Form is about creating a 3D-looking drawing on paper
While line, shape and value can already create beautiful drawings, mastering form principles will truly get your drawings "pop" off the page.
Topics covered:
-> How to create the illusion of 3D form on paper.
-> Linear form drawing techniques: How to use cross-contour drawing to render drawings in 3d space.
-> Tonal form drawing techniques: How to "mass" form into your drawings, like a sculpturist uses clay.
-> Introduction to 1-,2- and 3-point perspective.
-> The most effective exercise to train your eye to "see" form.
-> Form Drawing Demonstrations: Watch me demonstrate linear and tonal form drawing techniques.
🟢 Do This Now: Form Workout

Bonus #1: Self-Study Resource Guide

List of the very best 1-3 instructional books I ever read on each drawing fundamental, so you have a clear path to dive deeper in your studies.
The list includes recommendations on anatomy, composition, creative process and more.

Master Reference Study

Bonus #2: Reference Guide & Master Reference Vault

My very favorite Master References that you can study using the exercises of this course, to level up your design skills.
A list of the best reference sites on the internet, so you can start drawing now.

Ready To Draw Better?

Double your drawing skills in one week using proven daily exercises that anyone can do,

focused on drawing fundamentals most teachers don’t teach,

all in one high-value 10 hour video course, for just $99.- flat. 

5x Satisfaction Guarantee

I designed Drawing Fundamentals In 7 Days to provide at least 5 times the value of the price you pay.

Each hour of the course could be a $50 video course on it's own, given it might save you years of trial-and-error, resulting in more than 500$ of value for the total 10 hour course, at a price of just $99.- flat.

Now is the time to finally get great at drawing - for good!

I sometimes think about the years that I spent (better said "wasted"), hopping from drawing method to drawing method.

How much better I could be by now, had I known about the fundamentals from the beginning!

Don't make the same mistake. There is no better time to learn the fundamentals than now.

14-Days-MoneyBack Guarantee

Drawing Fundamentals In 7 Days has a 14-Days-Money-Back Guarantee under the condition that you haven't watched more than 25% of the course (I rarely check this).

I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase, please reach out if the course does not live up to your expectations.

Fix Your Fundamentals Today!


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Drawing Fundamentals?

The Drawing Fundamentals are the basic building blocks that make up the skill of drawing. It's like the vocabulary and grammar of a language.
Once you have a basic understanding of each fundamental, it gets much easier to improve your drawing skills. Without the fundamentals stagnation is inevitable.

Why 7 Days?

For those that want to fix their fundamentals in one week, and double their skills, the course is designed to cover one fundamental in one daily module.
You do NOT have to complete the course in 7 days. It's self-paced with life-time access, so you can take as long as you like.

I'm a Beginner is this right for me?

This course is perfect for beginners, as it introduces you to each fundamental in an easy to understand way, using simple exercises and demonstrations. Most beginners waste years in confusion, "method hopping", never getting the drawing skills they want. Drawing Fundamentals In 7 Days is designed to teach beginners the logical way to consistently and predictably get better at drawing.

I'm an Intermediate is this right for me?

Many drawing students have been drawing for many years, yet are stuck at the same level in what is sometimes called "Intermediate Purgatory". This endless plateau is caused by a lack of drawing fundamentals. If this is you, Drawing Fundamentals In 7 Days is the right course for you, as it teaches a way of practicing drawing that helps you identify why you plateau, clarity on how to get over the plateau with targeted practice and process adjustments. After taking this course plateaus become fun, as they are opportunities to become better in one of the fundamentals.

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This can happen from time to time due to the email service you're using. Please check your Promotions or Spam folder, or give it a couple of minutes to process. if you are still having issues, please contact [email protected].